Pada Artikel sebelumnya gw dah janji utuk memposting Cara Verifikasi Paypal Tanpa Menggunakan Kartu Kredit, setelah muter-muter kesana kemari akhirnya..... dapat juga cara verifikasi paypal menggunakan KTP/SIM woow
Bagi yang belum tau apa itu Paypal dan cara membuat paypal, silahkan baca Cara Membuat Akun Paypal
Seperti biasa untuk Verifikasi Paypal Sobat-sobat Silahkan ikuti langkah-langkah di bawah ini :- Login Ke Paypal Sobat-sobat
- Pilih Menu Contac us/ Hubungi Kami > Kirim Email
- Pada Kolom pertanyaan Sialahkan Tulis bagaiamana cara verifikasi paypal tanpa menggunakan kredit card Harus dalam bahasa inggris" How To Verifikasi Paypal Without Kredit Card" Sorry gan klo bahasa engllish gw berantakan
make Google Translate biar ga pusing
- Setelah itu sobat bakal di alihkan ke menu baru
- Silahkan isi Email sobat yang terpakai sebagai Akun paypal pada kolom ID Transaksi, pada Kolom kasus atau klaim silahakan di kosongkan saja, kemudian pada menu informasi tambahan, silahakan isi alasan sobat contoh " Saya ingin verifikasi paypal tapi saya tidak mempunyai kartu kredit, tetapi saya akan melampirkan data-data lengkap saya berupa Scan KTP dan Scan Buku Rekening untuk memverifikasi Akun Paypal Saya" klo sobat punya kata-kata yang lebih bagus lagi silahkan pakai itu, tapi ingat harus menggunakan bahasa english..
- Setelah itu tunggu sekitar 1-2 hari, Paypal akan megirimkan sobat email berupa no fax untuk mengirimkan scan KTP dan Rekening Sobat tadi.
Hello xxxx,
I am Evooone from PayPal customer service. I will be happy to assist you
with your question regarding your PayPal account.
From your email, I understand you want to verify your account without
credit card. Please don't worry and let me explain this to you.
I am really sorry to tell you that we can not read email written in your
local language. We are constantly working to expand and improve our
services for our customers. We will continue to expand our
language/dialect capabilities to better serve the global market place.
Would you mind writing your question in English? We will help you better
if you reply this email and write your email in English
If you do not have any debit card or credit card to verify your PayPal
account. You need to provide some documents via FAX or email attachment.
• 1. Valid photo ID – Issued by State or Government
• 2. One of the following:
- Phone or utility bill - Name and address on bill must match the name
and address on your PayPal account
- Recent bank statement - Name and address on statement must match the
name and address on your PayPal account
- Recent credit card statement - Name and address on statement must
match the name and address on your PayPal account.
Note: if you choose fax, you need to provide your accessible email
address and the purpose of faxing on each fax sheet.
• Fax number : 0065-6510-4596
Please keep your documents in JPG format within 500K.
If you need any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact
It is my pleasure to assist you. Thank you for choosing PayPal.
PayPal, an eBay Company
Copyright © 1999-2010 PayPal. All rights reserved. Consumer advisory:
PayPal Pte Ltd, the Holder of the PayPal™ payment service stored value
facility, does not require the approval of the Monetary Authority of
Singapore. Consumers (users) are advised to read the terms and
conditions carefull
I am Evooone from PayPal customer service. I will be happy to assist you
with your question regarding your PayPal account.
From your email, I understand you want to verify your account without
credit card. Please don't worry and let me explain this to you.
I am really sorry to tell you that we can not read email written in your
local language. We are constantly working to expand and improve our
services for our customers. We will continue to expand our
language/dialect capabilities to better serve the global market place.
Would you mind writing your question in English? We will help you better
if you reply this email and write your email in English
If you do not have any debit card or credit card to verify your PayPal
account. You need to provide some documents via FAX or email attachment.
• 1. Valid photo ID – Issued by State or Government
• 2. One of the following:
- Phone or utility bill - Name and address on bill must match the name
and address on your PayPal account
- Recent bank statement - Name and address on statement must match the
name and address on your PayPal account
- Recent credit card statement - Name and address on statement must
match the name and address on your PayPal account.
Note: if you choose fax, you need to provide your accessible email
address and the purpose of faxing on each fax sheet.
• Fax number : 0065-6510-4596
Please keep your documents in JPG format within 500K.
If you need any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact
It is my pleasure to assist you. Thank you for choosing PayPal.
PayPal, an eBay Company
Copyright © 1999-2010 PayPal. All rights reserved. Consumer advisory:
PayPal Pte Ltd, the Holder of the PayPal™ payment service stored value
facility, does not require the approval of the Monetary Authority of
Singapore. Consumers (users) are advised to read the terms and
conditions carefull
- Itu Contoh email yang dikirimkan Paypal ke email saya, tapi sewaktu saya mengajukan permohonan gw campur aduk bahasa english ma Indonesia makanya pada bingung orang-orang Paypal
- Segera kirim scan KTP dan Scan Rekening Sobat ke no fax yang dikirimkan paypal....Selesai, selamat akun Paypal sobat telah di verifikasi
mantap sob infonya, segera saya coba dan makasih atas kunjungannya sob.
@masykuriOke sob, Thanks juga dah mampir di blog ini
ok. . thank's mas bro,haha
udah gak bisa ya??? denger denger.. bales ke emailku yah